The Buddha gives here to his former nurse eight criteria to discriminate whether a given statement belongs to his teaching or not, which may happen to be handy nowadays. |
PāḷiEkaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā vesāliyaṃ viharati mahā-vane kūṭāgāra-sālāyaṃ. Atha kho mahāpajāpatī gotamī yena bhagavā ten·upasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṃ ṭhitā kho mahāpajāpatī gotamī bhagavantaṃ etadavoca: |
EnglishOn one occasion, the Bhagavā was dwelling at Vesāli, in the Great Forest, in the Hall with the Peaked Roof. Then, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī approached the Bhagavā; having drawn near, she paid homage to the Bhagavā and stood on one side. Standing on one side, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī addressed the Bhagavā thus: |
Sādhu me, bhante, bhagavā saṅkhittena dhammaṃ desetu, yam·ahaṃ bhagavato dhammaṃ sutvā ekā vūpakaṭṭhā appamattā ātāpinī pahitattā vihareyya nti.
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It would be good, Bhante, if the Bhagavā taught me the Dhamma in brief, so that, having heard the Dhamma from the Bhagavā, I may dwell solitary, secluded, diligent, ardent and resolute.
Ye kho tvaṃ, gotami, dhamme jāneyyāsi: ‘ime dhammā sarāgāya saṃvattanti, no virāgāya; saṃyogāya saṃvattanti, no visaṃyogāya; ācayāya saṃvattanti, no apacayāya; mahicchatāya saṃvattanti, no appicchatāya; asantuṭṭhiyā saṃvattanti, no santuṭṭhiyā; saṅgaṇikāya saṃvattanti, no pavivekāya; kosajjāya saṃvattanti, no vīriyārambhāya; dubbharatāya saṃvattanti, no subharatāyā’ ti, ekaṃsena, gotami, dhāreyyāsi: ‘n·eso dhammo n·eso vinayo n·etaṃ satthu-sāsana’ nti.
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Of these dhammas, Gotami, of which you may know: 'These dhammas are conducive to passion, not to virāga; conducive to being fettered, not to being unfettered; conducive to accumulation, not to diminution; conducive to mahicchata, not to appicchata; conducive to dissatisfaction, not to satisfaction; conducive to socialization, not to solitude; conducive to laziness, not to application of vīriya; conducive to being burdensome, not to being unburdensome', you can definitely hold: 'This is not the Dhamma, this is not the Vinaya, this is not the instruction of the Teacher'.
Ye kho tvaṃ, gotami, dhamme jāneyyāsi: ‘ime dhammā virāgāya saṃvattanti, no sarāgāya; visaṃyogāya saṃvattanti, no saṃyogāya; apacayāya saṃvattanti, no ācayāya; appicchatāya saṃvattanti, no mahicchatāya; santuṭṭhiyā saṃvattanti, no asantuṭṭhiyā; pavivekāya saṃvattanti, no saṅgaṇikāya; vīriyārambhāya saṃvattanti, no kosajjāya; subharatāya saṃvattanti, no dubbharatāyā’ ti, ekaṃsena, gotami, dhāreyyāsi: ‘n·eso dhammo n·eso vinayo n·etaṃ satthu-sāsana’ nti.
| Of these dhammas, Gotami, of which you may know: 'These dhammas are conducive to virāga, not to passion; conducive to being unfettered, not to being fettered; conducive to diminution, not to accumulation; conducive to appicchata, not to mahicchata; conducive to satisfaction, not to dissatisfaction; conducive to solitude, not to socialization; conducive to application of vīriya, not to laziness; conducive to being unburdensome, not to being burdensome', you can definitely hold: 'This is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the instruction of the Teacher'. |
with the support of Thanissaro Bhikkhu's translation. ———oOo——— Published as a gift of Dhamma, to be distributed free of charge. Any copies or derivatives of this work must cite their original source. |