AN 10.25 (A v 46)
Kasiṇa Sutta

This is the standard description of the practice on the ten kasiṇas.

Note: info·bubbles on every Pali word


dasa·y·imāni, bhikkhave, kasiṇ·āyatanāni. katamāni dasa? pathavī·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; āpo·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; tejo·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; vāyo·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; nīla·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; pīta·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; lohita·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; odāta·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; ākāsa·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ; viññāṇa·kasiṇam·eko sañjānāti uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇaṃ. imāni kho, bhikkhave, dasa kasiṇ·āyatanānī·ti.


These, bhikkhus, are the ten kasiṇas bases. Which ten? One contemplates the earth kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the water kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the fire kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the air kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the blue kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the yellow kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the red kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the white kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the space kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating; one contemplates the consciousness kasiṇa, above, below, transversely, undivided, all-permeating. These, bhikkhus, are the ten kasiṇas bases.

Bodhi leaf

Translation suggested by the webmaster.

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