— The discourses of medium length —
[ majjhima: medium ]
[ majjhima: medium ]
The Majjhima Nikāya gathers 152 discourses of the Buddha of intermediate length, dealing with diverse matters.
- Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) - enhanced translation
- Very interesting sutta, where the different ways by which the āsavas, fermentating defilements of the mind, are dispelled.
- Bhayabherava Sutta (MN 4) - enhanced translation
- What would it take to live in solitude in the wilderness, completely free from fear? The Buddha explains.
- Vattha Sutta (MN 7) {excerpt} - enhanced translation
- We find here a rather standard list of sixteen defilements (upakkilesa) of the mind, and an explanation of a mechanism by which one gets these 'confirmed confidences' in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha that are factors of stream-entry.
- Mahādukkhakkhandha Sutta (MN 13) - enhanced translation
- On the assāda (allure), ādīnava (drawback) and nissaraṇa (emancipation) of kāma (sensuality), rūpa (form) and vedanā (feeling). A lot of very useful matter to ponder over.
- Cūḷahatthipadopama Sutta (MN 27) - enhanced translation
- The Buddha explains how the fact that he is actually an enlightened being must be taken on faith or as a conjecture until a certain stage is reached, and that any claim of such a knowledge without that realization is be worthless.
- Mahāvedalla Sutta (MN 43) {excerpt} - word by word
- Sāriputta answers various interesting questions asked by āyasmā Mahākoṭṭhika, and in this excerpt, he explains that Vedanā, Saññā and Viññāṇa are not clearly delineated but deeply interwoven.
- Cūḷavedalla Sutta (MN 44) {excerpt} - enhanced translation
- The bhikkhuni Dhammadinnā answers a series of interesting questions asked by Visākha. Among other things, she gives the 20-fold definition of sakkāyadiṭṭhi.
- Sekha Sutta (MN 53) - enhanced translation
- The Buddha asks Ānanda to expound the Sekha Paṭipadā, of which he gives a surprising version, from which Satisampajañña and Nīvaraṇānaṃ Pahāna are curiously replaced by a series of seven 'good qualities', and which is illustrated by a telling simile.
- Potaliya Sutta (MN 54) - enhanced translation
- A series of seven standard similes to explain the drawbacks and dangers of giving in to sensuality.
- Bahuvedanīya Sutta (MN 59) {excerpt} - word by word
- In this short excerpt, the Buddha defines the five kāmaguṇās and makes an important comparison with another type of pleasure.
- Kīṭāgiri Sutta (MN 70) {excerpt} - enhanced translation
- This sutta contains a definition of dhammānusārī and saddhānusārī.
- Bāhitikā Sutta (MN 88) {excerpt} - enhanced translation
- The King Pasenadi of Kosala is eager to understand what is recommended or not by wise ascetics and brahmans, and he asks series of questions to Ānanda which allow us a better grasp of the meaning of the words kusala (wholesome) and akusala (unwholesome).
- Ānāpānassati Sutta (MN 118) - word by word
- The famous sutta about the practice of ānāpānassati, and how it leads to the practice of the four satipaṭṭhānas and subsquently to the fulfillment of the seven bojjhaṅgas.
- Saḷāyatanavibhaṅga Sutta (MN 137) {excerpt} - enhanced translation
- In this deep and very interesting sutta, the Buddha defines among other things what are the investigations of pleasant, unpleasant and neutral mental feelings, and also defines the expression found in the standard description of the Buddha: 'anuttaro purisadammasārathī’.
- Indriyabhāvanā Sutta (MN 152) - word by word
- This sutta offers three approaches to the practice of sense restraint, that contain additional instructions complementing the Indriyesu Guttadvāratā formulae.