SN 31.1 (S iii 249)
Suddhika Sutta
— Simple version —

The different types of gandhabba devas.

Note: info·bubbles on "underdotted" English words




The (sutta) opening at Sāvatthī.{n}

Gandhabbakāyike vo, bhikkhave, deve desessāmi. Taṃ suṇātha. Katamā ca, bhikkhave, gandhabbakāyikā devā? Santi, bhikkhave, mūla·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, sāra·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, pheggu·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, taca·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, papaṭika·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, patta·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, puppha·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, phala·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, rasa·gandhe adhivatthā devā. Santi, bhikkhave, gandha·gandhe adhivatthā devā.

I will teach you, bhikkhus, the devas of the gandhabba class. Listen to that. And what, bhikkhus, are the devas of the gandhabba class? There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic roots. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic heartwood. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic wood surrounding the pith. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic bark. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic shoots. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic leaves. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic flowers. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic fruits. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic juice. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic odors. There are, bhikkhus, devas residing in aromatic roots.

Ime vuccanti, bhikkhave, gandhabbakāyikā devā ti.

These, bhikkhus, are called the devas of the gandhabba class.

Bodhi leaf

Translation suggested by the webmaster,
with the support of Sister Upalavanna's translation.

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