— The classified discourses —
[ saṃyutta: group ]
[ saṃyutta: group ]
The discourses of the Saṃyutta Nikāya are divided according to their theme in 56 saṃyuttas, which are themselves grouped in five vaggas.
- Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 12.2) - word by word
- A detailed explanation of paṭicca samuppāda, with a definition of each of the twelve links.
- Cetanā Sutta (SN 12.38) - enhanced translation
- Here the Buddha explains how cetanā, together with pondering and anusaya, act as a basis for viññāṇa.
- Upādāna Sutta (SN 12.52) - enhanced translation
- This is a very enlightening lesson that reveals by which psychological mechanism one gives in to craving, and explains how it can be easily replaced by wholesome considerations to get rid of it.
- Puttamaṃsūpama Sutta (SN 12.63) - enhanced translation
- The Buddha offers here four impressing and inspiring similes to explain how the four āhāras should be regarded.
- Sanidāna Sutta (SN 14.12) - enhanced translation
- A wonderful explanation of how perceptions turn into actions, further enlightened by the simile of the blazing torch. Remain diligently mindful to dispel unwholesome thoughts!
- Āṇi Sutta (SN 20.7) - word by word
- A very important thing is reminded to us by the Buddha: for our own benefit as well as for the benfit of the generations yet to come, we must give most importance to his own actual words, and not so much to whoever else pretends nowadays or has pretended in the past to be a proper (Dhamma) teacher.
- Samādhi Sutta (SN 22.5) - word by word
- The Buddha exhorts his followers to develop concentration so that they can practice insight into the arising and passing away of the five aggregates, after which he defines what he means by arising and passing away of the aggregates, in terms of dependent origination.
- Paṭisallāṇa Sutta (SN 22.6) - without translation
- The Buddha exhorts his followers to practice seclusion so that they can practice insight into the arising and passing away of the five aggregates, after which he defines what he means by arising and passing away of the aggregates, in terms of dependent origination.
- Upādāparitassanā Sutta (SN 22.8) - word by word
- The arising and cessation of suffering takes place in the five aggregates.
- Nandikkhaya Sutta (SN 22.51) - word by word
- How to operate the destruction of delight.
- Anattalakkhana Sutta (SN 22.59) - word by word
- In this very famous sutta, the Buddha expounds for the first time his teaching on anatta.
- Khajjanīya Sutta (SN 22.79) {excerpt} - word by word
- This sutta provides a succinct definition of the five khandhas.
- Suddhika Sutta (SN 29.1) - enhanced translation
- The different types of nāgas.
- Suddhika Sutta (SN 30.1) - enhanced translation
- The different types of supaṇṇas (aka garudas).
- Suddhika Sutta (SN 31.1) - enhanced translation
- The different types of gandhabba devas.
- Suddhika Sutta (SN 32.1) - enhanced translation
- The different types of cloud devas.
- Samāpattimūlakaṭhiti Sutta (SN 34.11) - enhanced translation
- Attaining concentration vs maintaining concentration.
- Pubbesambodha Sutta (SN 35.13) - word by word
- The Buddha defines what he means by allure, drawback and emancipation in the case of the internal sense spheres, and then declares that his awakening was nothing more nor less than understanding them.
- Abhinanda Sutta (SN 35.20) - word by word
- There is no escape for whoever delights in sense objects.
- Migajāla Sutta (SN 35.46) - enhanced translation
- Why is true solitude so hard to find? The Buddha explains why, no matter where you go, your most annoying companions always tag along.
- Avijjāpahāna Sutta (SN 35.53) - word by word
- A very simple discourse, yet very deep, on what to know and see to abandon ignorance and produce knowledge.
- Sabbupādānapariññā Sutta (SN 35.60) - word by word
- The Buddha, while expounding the complete understanding of all attachment, gives a deep and yet very clear explanation: contact arises on the basis of three phenomena.
- Migajāla Sutta Sutta (SN 35.64) {excerpt} - word by word
- Some neophytes (and we may often count ourselves among them) sometimes want to believe that it is possible to delight in sensual pleasures without giving rise to attachment nor suffering. The Buddha teaches Migajāla that this is downright impossible.
- Adantāgutta Sutta (SN 35.94) - word by word
- Here is one of those advises which are so easy to understand with the intellect, yet so difficult to understand at deeper levels because our wrong views constantly interfere in the process. Therefore we need to get it repeated often, even though that may seem boring to some.
- Pamādavihārī Sutta (SN 35.97) - word by word
- What makes the difference between one who lives with negligence and one who lives with vigilance.
- Sakkapañhā Sutta Sutta (SN 35.118) - word by word
- The Buddha gives a rather simple answer to Sakka's question: what is the reason why some people attain the final goal while others don't?
- Rūpārāma Sutta (SN 35.137) - word by word
- The Buddha explains for us once more, in yet another way, the cause and the cessation of suffering. It takes place right in the middle of what we keep doing all day and all night.
- Aniccanibbānasappāya Sutta (SN 35.147) - word by word
- Here are hardcore vipassanā instructions dealing with the perception of impermanence for advanced meditators who are looking forward to attaining Nibbāna.
- Ajjhattānattahetu Sutta (SN 35.142) - word by word
- How investigating the causes for the arising of the sense organs, in which the characteristic of nonself may be easier to understand, allows a transfer of this understanding to their case.
- Samudda Sutta (SN 35.229) - enhanced translation
- What the ocean in the discipline of the noble ones is. Beware not to sink in it!
- Pahāna Sutta (SN 36.3) - enhanced translation
- The relation between the three types of vedanā and three of the anusayas.
- Daṭṭhabba Sutta (SN 36.5) - enhanced translation
- How the three types of vedanā (feelings) should be seen.
- Salla Sutta (SN 36.6) - enhanced translation
- When shot by the arrow of physical pain, an unwise person makes matters worse by piling mental anguish on top of it, just as if he had been shot by two arrows. A wise person feels the sting of one arrow alone.
- Anicca Sutta (SN 36.9) - enhanced translation
- Seven characteristics of vedanā (feelings), which are also applicable to the other four khandhas (SN 22.21) and each of the twelve links of paṭicca·samuppāda (SN 12.20).
- Phassamūlaka Sutta (SN 36.10) - word by word
- The three types of feelings are rooted in three types of contacts.
- Aṭṭhasata Sutta (SN 36.22) - enhanced translation
- The Buddha expounds vedanās in seven different ways, analysing them into two, three, five, six, eighteen, thirty six or one hundred and eight categories.
- Nirāmisa Sutta (SN 36.31) {excerpt} - word by word
- We can understand here that pīti, though being often listed as a bojjhaṅga, can also sometimes be akusala. This passage also includes a definition of the five kāmaguṇā.
- Dhammavādīpañhā Sutta (SN 38.3) - enhanced translation
- Who professes the Dhamma in the world (dhamma·vādī)? Who practices well (su·p·paṭipanna)? Who is faring well (su·gata)?
- Dukkara Sutta (SN 39.16) - enhanced translation
- What is difficult to do in this Teaching and Discipline?
- Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 45.8) - word by word
- Here the Buddha defines precisely each factor of the eightfold noble path.
- Āgantuka Sutta (SN 45.159) - enhanced translation
- How the Noble Path works with the abhiññā pertaining to various dhammas as a guest-house welcoming various kinds of visitors.
- Kusala Sutta (SN 46.32) - word by word
- All that is advantageous unite in one thing.
- Āhāra Sutta (SN 46.51) - enhanced translation
- The Buddha describes how we can either "feed" or "starve" the hindrances and the factors of enlightenment according to how we apply our attention.
- Saṅgārava Sutta (SN 46.55) {excerpt} - enhanced translation
- A beautiful series of similes to explain how the five nīvaraṇas (hindrances) affect the purity of the mind and its ability to perceive the reality as it is.
- Sati Sutta (SN 47.35) - word by word
- In this sutta, the Buddha reminds the bhikkhus to be satos and sampajānos, and then defines these two terms.
- Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 47.40) - word by word
- The satipaṭṭhānas taught in short.
- Daṭṭhabba Sutta (SN 48.8) - enhanced translation
- Each of the five spiritual indriyas is said to be seen in a fourfold dhamma.
- Saṃkhitta Sutta (SN 48.14) - enhanced translation
- Fulfilling them is all we have to do, and this is the measure of our liberation.
- Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 48.38) - enhanced translation
- Here the Buddha defines the five sensitive indriyas.
- Uppaṭipāṭika Sutta (SN 48.40) - enhanced translation
- This sutta draws an interesting parallel between the cessation of the feeling faculties and the successive attainments of jhānas.
- Sāketa Sutta (SN 48.43) {excerpt} - enhanced translation
- In this sutta, the Buddha states that the balas and the indriyas can be considered as one and the same thing or as two different things.
- Patiṭṭhita Sutta (SN 48.56) - enhanced translation
- There is one mental state through which all the five spiritual faculties are perfected.
- Bīja Sutta (SN 49.24) - enhanced translation
- A beautiful simile that illustrates how fundamental virtue is for the practice of the four right strivings.
- Gantha Sutta (SN 50.102) - enhanced translation
- This sutta is based on the interesting list of the four 'bodily knots', and promotes the development of the five spiritual strengths.
- Viraddha Sutta (SN 51.2) - enhanced translation
- Whoever neglects these neglects the noble path.
- Chandasamādhi Sutta (SN 51.13) - enhanced translation
- This sutta explains clearly the meaning of the formulae describing the practice of the iddhi·pādas.
- Samaṇabrāhmaṇa Sutta (SN 51.17) - enhanced translation
- Wether in the past, in the future or at present, whoever wields supernormal powers has developped and assiduously practiced four things.
- Vidhā Sutta (SN 53.36) - enhanced translation
- The jhānas are recommended to get rid of the three types of conceit, which are related to comparing oneself with others. It makes it plain that if there is any hierarchy in the Sangha, it is only for practical purposes, and it is not to be taken as being representative of any reality. It is not quite clear whether this is one sutta repeating 16 times the same thing, or 16 suttas grouped together, or 4 suttas containing each 4 repetitions.
- Padīpopama Sutta (SN 54.8) - word by word
- Here the Buddha explains ānāpānassati and recommands it for various purposes: from abandoning gross impurities, through developing all the eight jhānas.
- Saraṇānisakka Sutta (SN 55.24) - enhanced translation
- In this interesting discourse, the Buddha states that one does not even have to have gained strong confidence in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha to become a stream-winner at the time of death.
- Mahānāma Sutta (SN 55.37) - enhanced translation
- What it means to be a lay lay disciple, endowed with virtue, conviction, generosity and discernment.
- Aṅga Sutta (SN 55.50) - word by word
- The four sotāpattiyaṅgas (factors for stream-entry).
- Samādhi Sutta (SN 56.1) - word by word
- The Buddha exhorts the bhikkhus to practice samādhi, for it leads to understanding the four noble truths in their true nature.
- Paṭisallāna Sutta (SN 56.2) - word by word
- The Buddha exhorts the bhikkhus to practice paṭisallāna, for it leads to understanding the four noble truths in their true nature.
- Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (SN 56.11) - word by word
- This is certainly the most famous sutta in the Pali litterature. The Buddha expounds the four ariya-saccas for the first time.
- Saṅkāsanā Sutta (SN 56.19) - enhanced translation
- The teaching of the four noble truths, however boring it may seem to the wandering mind, is actually very deep and the mind could spend the whole time investigating it.
- Siṃsapāvana Sutta (SN 56.31) - word by word
- The famous sutta where the Buddha states that he has no interest in any teachings which are not immediately connected with attaining the goal.
- Daṇḍa Sutta (SN 56.33) - enhanced translation
- The telling simile of the stick.