SN 36.10 (S iv 215)
Phassamūlaka Sutta
— Rooted in contact —

The three types of feelings are rooted in three types of contacts.

Note: info·bubbles on every Pali word



tisso imā, bhikkhave, vedanā phassa· phassa·mūlakā phassa·nidānā phassa·paccayā. katamā tisso? sukhā vedanā, dukkhā vedanā, adukkham·asukhā vedanā.

There are, bhikkhus, these three feelings, which are born of contact, rooted in contact, caused by contact, conditioned by contact. Which three? Pleasant feeling, painful feeling and neutral feeling.

sukha·vedaniyaṃ, bhikkhave, phassapaṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. tass·eva sukha·vedaniyassa phassassa nirodhā, yaṃ tajjaṃ vedayitaṃ sukha·vedaniyaṃ phassapaṭicca uppannā sukhā vedanā, nirujjhati, vūpasammati.

On account of a contact that is liable to be experienced as pleasurable, bhikkhus, there arises a pleasant feeling. When that same contact which is liable to be experienced as pleasurable has ceased, then the feeling born from it, the pleasant feeling that arose on account of that contact liable to be experienced as pleasurable, ceases and is stilled.

dukkha·vedaniyaṃ, bhikkhave, phassapaṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. tass·eva dukkha·vedaniyassa phassassa nirodhā, yaṃ tajjaṃ vedayitaṃ dukkha·vedaniyaṃ phassapaṭicca uppannā dukkhā vedanā, nirujjhati, vūpasammati.

On account of a contact that is liable to be experienced as painful, bhikkhus, there arises a painful feeling. When that same contact which is liable to be experienced as painful has ceased, then the feeling born from it, the painful feeling that arose on account of that contact liable to be experienced as painful, ceases and is stilled.

adukkham·asukha·vedaniyaṃ, bhikkhave, phassapaṭicca uppajjati adukkham·asukhā vedanā. tass·eva adukkham·asukha·vedaniyassa phassassa nirodhā, yaṃ tajjaṃ vedayitaṃ adukkham·asukha·vedaniyaṃ phassapaṭicca uppannā adukkham·asukhā vedanā, nirujjhati, vūpasammati.

On account of a contact that is liable to be experienced as neutral, bhikkhus, there arises a neutral feeling. When that same contact which is liable to be experienced as neutral has ceased, then the feeling born from it, the neutral feeling that arose on account of that contact liable to be experienced as neutral, ceases and is stilled.

seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, dvinnaṃ kaṭṭhānaṃ saṅghaṭṭana·samodhānā usmā jāyati, tejo abhinibbattati, tesaṃ·yeva kaṭṭhānaṃ nānābhāvā vinikkhepā, tajjā usmā, nirujjhati, vūpasammati; evameva kho, bhikkhave, imā tisso vedanā phassa· phassa·mūlakā phassa·nidānā phassa·paccayā: tajjaṃ phassapaṭicca tajjā vedanā uppajjanti; tajjassa phassassa nirodhā tajjā vedanā nirujjhantī ti.

Just as, bhikkhus, from the combination and rubbing of two sticks heat arises and fire is produced, and by the separation and disconnection of those same sticks, the heat produced by them ceases and is stilled; in the same way, bhikkhus, these three feelings which are born of contact, rooted in contact, caused by contact, conditioned by contact: on account of a contact of a certain kind there arises a corresponding feeling; by the cessation of that contact the corresponding feeling ceases.

Bodhi leaf

Translation suggested by the webmaster,
with the support of Nyanaponika Thera's translation.

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